Course Background

In the face of various challenges in today’s society, the awareness and ability of sustainable development in various industries need to be improved:

  • To deal with the different risks brought by climate change and environmental disasters, has the risk management been done well?
  • Have you  transformed your production method to meet the changing social expectations and industry policies ?
  • In response to the need to improve management capabilities, do you have the ability to use scientific data to support program designs, and gradually improve & optimize?
  • Responding to the need for greater transparency from regulators, media exposure, public scrutiny and social communication, are you ready for the transformation?


This course integrates ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) , Sustainable Development Planning and a chosen professional integration area, including Corporate Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Food Safety.  Participants will be equipped with the knowledge of internationally recognized standards and practices, sustainable development planning tools and research methods, practical means of implementing ESG, as well as the connections between ESG and the chosen professional integration area.


  • Executive Diploma in Sustainable Development Planning (issued by Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable development)
  • Can apply to become a member of the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners
  • *Food Safety Professional Integration includes additional professional certification

Course Information



Commencement Date:

Tuition fee (Regular):

$6,280 per person (GHG Accounting)
$6,880 per person (Food Safety)

Tuition fee (Early Bird Offer Before 19th Jan):

$5,600 per person(GHG Accounting)
$6,200 per person (Food Safety)

Medium of Instruction:


Mode of Instruction:


**Due to current COVID-19 situation, the mode of instruction might be changed from face-to-face to online teaching if necessary in the event that face-to-face classes cannot be held. The Institute will contact the students concerned with details of such arrangements as necessary.


『環境、社會、企業管治』(2月9日、2月13日 18:30-21:30)
講師:Mr. Andy Fung 馮偉邦先生
– 香港可持續發展教育學院 講師
– 香港可持續發展教育學院SDG Campus總監
– 可持續發展規劃師 CSDP
『可持續發展規劃』 (2月6日 14:30-17:30、3月6日 18:30-21:30)
⭐️ 聯合國可持續發展歷史
⭐️ 17個可持續發展目標
⭐️ 可持續發展報告定量與定性工具
⭐️ 可持續發展報告框架、編寫要領
⭐️ 優質可持續發展報告案例研究
講師:Prof. Karen Cheung 張沁教授
– 香港聯合國教科文組織協會 執行會長兼秘書長
– 香港可持續發展教育學院院長
– 全球可持續發展規劃師學會 會長
– 聯合國教科文組織亞太可持續發展教育中心專家顧問&專家委員會主任委員

專業課程內容 – (2選1)

可持續食品安全監控員 HACCP (Level 2) 
2月25日 14:00-17:00、3月4日 14:00-18:00
(包括 1 小時, 30 題MCQ考試)

🥕應用HACCP 系統於製作流程及檢視

講師:Mr.Ronald Lau 劉耀輝先生
– 香港職業訓練局(VTC)榮譽院士
– 香港城市大學(SCOPE)/ 香港品質保證局食品安全課程統籌
– 香港食品委員會/香港食品衞生管理人員協會榮譽主席
1. 香港可持續發展教育學院頒發 「可持續發展規劃專業文憑」
2. 香港可持續發展教育學院及香港食品衞生管理人員協會聯合頒發修業證書
3. 學員考試合格亦可獲頒發英國環境衞生協會(CIEH)第二級「基礎食品危害分析重點控制HACCP (Foundation Certificate in HACCP)」黑白及彩色證書各一份。彩色證書,因要由英國發出,需時六星期才寄回香港。
4. 可進一步申請成為全球可持續發展規劃師學會會員
💰費用:HKD 6880
⭐️早鳥優惠: HKD 6200(1月19日前報名及付款)
*歷屆學員可單獨報讀學費為 HKD 1,800

企業碳排放計算 (2月15日 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00)

🧮ISO 企業碳排放計算、基準建立以及識別改進機會

1. 香港可持續發展教育學院頒發 「可持續發展規劃專業文憑」
2. 可進一步申請成為全球可持續發展規劃師學會會員

💰費用:HKD 6280
⭐️早鳥優惠: HKD 5600(1月19日前報名及付款)

*歷屆學員可單獨報讀,學費為 HKD 1,200

A:SDP課程 – 2月6日 14:30-17:30、3月6日 18:30-21:30

B:ESG課程 – 2月9日、2月13日 18:30-21:30

專業融合部分 (可2選1,或同時報讀2項)
C: 可持續食品安全監控員 HACCP (Level 2) – 2月25日 14:00-17:00、3月4日 14:00-18:00 (包括 1 小時, 30 題MCQ考試)

D: 企業碳排放計算  – 2月15日  10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00

A+B+D = HKD 6,280
A+B+C = HKD 6,880
A+B+C+D = HKD 8,080
早鳥報名優惠 – 1月19日前報名以及付費:
A+B+D = HKD 5,600
A+B+C = HKD 6,200
A+B+C+D = HKD 7,400
12月18日 至 12月31日期間報名並完成付款即可獲得 HKD 200 課程現金券
上課地點: 九龍柯士甸道7號UQ Place 5 樓 及 九龍柯士甸道81號 (香港商業專科學校)
查詢:2312 7116 /


報名參加ESG SDP 專業融合課程

Integration Course Selection:

Personal Data

Please type your English name same as the name on your ID card for Certificate printing.
Please type your Chinese name same as the name on your ID card for Certificate printing.

Education & Work Experiences

Please fill in years of your working experiences, and years of your working experiences which is related to sustainable development.

Programme Information:

1. The personal information provided on the registration form will be used for matters related to the course activities. Such as organizing or co-organizing courses, the information will be handed over to the relevant parties if necessary. You have the right to request access to and correction of any information provided by you. If you do not provide your personal ID number, the center will not issue a course certificate and any proof of course taken. (Our Programme team will ask for your ID when your enrolment is confirmed.)
2. Acceptance is subject to the discretion of the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (the Institute).
3. Applicants are expected to attend the course at the place and time specified in the brochure unless otherwise notified.
4. When a programme is over-subscribed, additional classes may be started in some cases. Applicants may then be notified of the new time, dates and place of meetings when necessary.
5. No refund will be made after payment.
6. No classes will be held when storm warning signal No. 8 or above/Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is in force. In that case, an alternative session will be arranged. (Classes will resume if No. 8/Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered before 3:00 pm for evening classes, 12:00 noon for afternoon classes and 7:00 am for morning classes.)
7. The Institute supports the equal opportunities policy, without discriminating against any person on the grounds of gender, disability, family status or any other basis. 8. I understand that, upon my registration in the programme, the data will become part of my student record and may be used and processed for all lawful purposes relating to my academic and/or non-academic activities in accordance with the established policy of the Institute and the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
1. I hereby declare that the information provided in this registration form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and I authorize the HiESD to obtain relevant examination and academic information from relevant institutions (if necessary).

2. I understand that the information provided in this registration form will be used in the admission evaluation process. I also understand that any misrepresentation, omission or misleading information may cause my eligibility to apply for, enroll in relevant courses and be admitted to be disqualified.

3. I have read carefully and understand the content of the "Personal Information Collection Statement". I expressly consent that the personal data will be used for the Institute's administrative, academic, research, statistical, alumni activities and prescribed purposes as allowed by the Institute and the laws of Hong Kong from time to time. I authorize the Institute to obtain, and the relevant authority to release any information about my studies in institutions in Hong Kong and/or overseas. 4. The Institute reserves the right to make alterations regarding the course details. In case of any dispute, the HiESD reserves the right of final decision.