Course Background
In the face of various challenges in today’s society, the awareness and ability of sustainable development in various industries need to be improved:
- To deal with the different risks brought by climate change and environmental disasters, has the risk management been done well?
- Have you transformed your production method to meet the changing social expectations and industry policies ?
- In response to the need to improve management capabilities, do you have the ability to use scientific data to support program designs, to gradually improve and optimize?
- In response to the need for greater transparency from regulators, media exposure, public scrutiny and social communication, are you ready for the transformation?
This course integrates ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), SDP (Sustainable Development Planning) and Corporate Greenhouse Gas Accounting. Participants may also choose additional professional integration areas such as Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Sustainable Green Transportation (Transport and Logistics). Participants will be equipped with the knowledge of internationally recognized standards and practices, sustainable development planning tools and research methods, practical means of implementing ESG, international standard and methods for calculating greenhouse gas as well as the connections between ESG and the chosen professional integration area.
- Executive Diploma in Sustainable Development Planning (issued by Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable development)
- Apply for becoming a member of the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners
Course Information
Commencement Date:
Tuition Fee (Regular):
HKD 6,280/per person
+ HKD 1,200 per additional professional integration area
Group of Two Discount:
HKD 5,800/per person
Applicants who register for any of the professional integration area could get a copy of the “Carbon Literacy and Low-Carbon Lifestyle – Bilingual Textbook” (HKD 120) for free.
Medium of Instruction:
Mode of Instruction:
Face-to-face Teaching
核心課程內容(原價HKD 6,280)
– 香港聯合國教科文組織協會 會長
– 香港可持續發展教育學院 院長
– 全球可持續發展規劃師學會 會長
– UNPRME 中國學術委員會 副主席
– 香港可持續發展教育學院SDGCampus總監
– 認證可持續發展規劃師 CSDP
(2023年10月13日 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00)
ISO 企業碳排放計算、零碳概念及實踐
可選專業融合選修內容(每項 +HKD 1,200)
(2023年10月16日 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00)
🔗服務營運因應綠色管理、SDG 和 ESG的轉型
– 全球可持續發展規劃師學會企業社會責任部 部門主席
– 香港聯合國教科文組織協會 協理副會長
可持續綠色交通 (運輸及物流)
(2023年10月14日 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00)
A:SDP課程:10月11日 10:00-13:00, 10月18日 14:30-17:30
B:ESG課程:10月11日 14:30-17:30, 10月18日 10:00-13:00
C:碳排放計算課程:10月13日 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00
可選專業融合選修部份 (二選一 或 可同時報讀)
D:可持續供應鏈管理:10月16日 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00
E:可持續綠色交通 (運輸及物流):10月14日 10:00-13:00 & 14:00-17:00
A+B+C+D+E = HKD 8,680
A+B+C = HKD 5,800
A+B+C+D 或 A+B+C+E = HKD 7,000
A+B+C+D+E = HKD 8,200