可持續發展規劃證書 (初級)

【   香港可持續發展教育學院之可持續發展規劃證書 (初級) 課程 已列入資歷架構名冊 】

香港可持續發展教育學院之可持續發展規劃證書(初級)課程現已成功列入資歷架構名冊第三級(登記號碼:23/000117/L3),反映了可持續發展規劃知識及技能對於從業人士的必要性及課程專業認受性,為香港聚人才、創未來,為企業人才打好可持續發展的基礎。課程適合各行業的從業人員及專業人士申請報讀,亦可申請CEF 持續進修基金資助,第一期課程現正招生!


1. 面授:共5課,每課6小時,共30小時

2. 自修(提供線上學習平台SDGCAMPUS):共30小時

3. 考試:1小時 (通過線上學習平台 SDGCAMPUS)

面授日期 (逢三、五):2023年8月25及30日; 9月1, 6 及8日

時間:10:00-13:00; 14:30-17:30




  1. 可持續發展的歷史和演變
  2. 17個可持續發展目標
  3. 可持續發展目標的三大支柱
  4. 中國支持聯合國可持續發展目標的行動計劃


  1. 氣候變化科學與其影響
  2. 應對氣候變化
  3. 氣候變化教育
  4. 氣候變化與世界遺產


  1. 全球可持續發展報告解讀及分析
  2. 案例分析:英國可持續發展教育的規劃、可持續發展報告案例分析


新高中中學文憑 (中六) 畢業 或 舊制中五畢業 或以上;或同等學歷;及具3年工作經驗


學員成功修畢課程,出席率達80%或以上及考試合格,可獲香港可持續發展教育學院頒發「可持續發展規劃證書 (初級)」,並獲「持續進修基金」發還學費資助 (只適用於申請者)。


課程查詢: 2312 7116 / course@hiesd.org


Personal Data

Must be the same as shown on HKID Card or Passport. Name entered will be used on academic documents.
Must be the same as shown on HKID Card or Passport. Name entered will be used on academic documents.

Education & Work Experiences

Programme Information:

1. The personal information provided on the registration form will be used for matters related to the course activities. Such as organizing or co-organizing courses, the information will be handed over to the relevant parties if necessary. You have the right to request access to and correction of any information provided by you. If you do not provide your personal ID number, the center will not issue a course certificate and any proof of course taken. (Our Programme team will ask for your ID when your enrolment is confirmed.)
2. Acceptance is subject to the discretion of the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (the Institute).
3. Applicants are expected to attend the course at the place and time specified in the brochure unless otherwise notified.
4. When a programme is over-subscribed, additional classes may be started in some cases. Applicants may then be notified of the new time, dates and place of meetings when necessary.
5. No refund will be made after payment unless any postponements or any special cases are made.
6. No classes will be held when storm warning signal No. 8 or above/Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is in force. In that case, an alternative session will be arranged. (Classes will resume if No. 8/Red/Black Rainstorm Warning is lowered before 3:00 pm for evening classes, 12:00 noon for afternoon classes and 7:00 am for morning classes.)
7. The Institute supports the equal opportunities policy, without discriminating against any person on the grounds of gender, disability, family status or any other basis. 8. I understand that, upon my registration in the programme, the data will become part of my student record and may be used and processed for all lawful purposes relating to my academic and/or non-academic activities in accordance with the established policy of the Institute and the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486).
1. I hereby declare that the information provided in this registration form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and I authorize the HiESD to obtain relevant examination and academic information from relevant institutions (if necessary).

2. I understand that the information provided in this registration form will be used in the admission evaluation process. I also understand that any misrepresentation, omission or misleading information may cause my eligibility to apply for, enroll in relevant courses and be admitted to be disqualified.

3. I have read carefully and understand the content of the "Personal Information Collection Statement". I expressly consent that the personal data will be used for the Institute's administrative, academic, research, statistical, alumni activities and prescribed purposes as allowed by the Institute and the laws of Hong Kong from time to time. I authorize the Institute to obtain, and the relevant authority to release any information about my studies in institutions in Hong Kong and/or overseas. 4. The Institute reserves the right to make alterations regarding the course details. In case of any dispute, the HiESD reserves the right of final decision.
Copyright © 2024 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development