2024 聯合國國際教育日 《世界遺產及非物質文化遺產—香港地區校本課程案例手冊》 再版發佈

【2024 聯合國國際教育日 《世界遺產及非物質文化遺產—香港地區校本課程案例手冊》 再版發佈】

【2024 United Nations International Day of Education – Publication of the Second Edition of the “World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School Curriculum Casebook “】

2024年1月24日 聯合國國際教育日的主題是「學習促進持久和平」。世界遺產及非物質文化遺產教育是推進多元文化理解的重要途徑之一,香港聯合國教科文組織協會與香港可持續發展教育學院將響應國際重點,發佈《世界遺產及非物質文化遺產—香港地區校本課程案例手冊》再版。

2020年,香港聯合國教科文組織協會、香港可持續發展教育學院、聯合國教科文組織世界遺產青少年教育中心、暨南大學文化遺產創意產業研究院在港啟動了「世界遺產及非物質文化遺產 香港教師培訓計劃,旨在協助香港教師在校內組織及開設自然及文化遺產、非物質文化遺產等課程,將遺產教育融入教育課程及教材體系。

2021年,由編委會從培訓計劃參與教師提交的教學計劃書中進行篩選,編輯發佈了《世界遺產及非物質文化遺產 香港地區校本課程案例手冊》(手冊)首版。

首版反響積極,成果顯著,教師將教學理論運用於課堂實踐,並帶領學生參與由香港聯合國教科文組織協會及香港可持續發展教育學院主辦的體驗式、項目製學習活動,包括「2023香港-大灣區模擬聯合國教科文組織大會 – 世界遺產」、「可持續發展學程計劃」、「非遺入校園計劃等」。

在2024年1月24日 – 聯合國國際教育日之際, 我們將發佈《世界遺產及非物質文化遺產—香港地區校本課程案例手冊》再版。再版在2021年首版的基礎上優化了設計,加入了世界遺產和非物質文化遺產保護在地區、國家和國際層面的最新進展。

希望手冊能夠為各校開展世界遺產及非物質文化遺產課程提供參考、和互鑒,期待各位教師在學校組織及開設世界自然及文化遺產、非物質文化遺產相關的校本課程,並組織和鼓勵同學積極參加深入、生動有趣的研學活動,培養學生認識、珍視及保護世界遺產和非物質文化遺產,成為「善於學習、敢於創新、勇於擔當」  的文化傳承小衛士。



On 24th January  2024, the sixth International Day of Education will be celebrated under the theme of ‘Learning for Lasting Peace’. 

One of the most significant themes that contributes to multi-cultural understanding is education on World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

From 2020 to 2023, the UNESCO Hong Kong Association, the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development, the UNESCO World Heritage Education Centre for Youth, and the Academy of Cultural Heritage and Creativity of Jinan University have collaboratively held five classes of the ‘World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong Teacher Training Programme’. The programme aims to assist and train Hong Kong teachers in organising lessons and activities at school, on the topic of natural and cultural heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage. In the long run, it aims to promote the integration of World Heritage Education in the overall education curriculum and teaching materials.

In December 2021, the first edition of the World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School Curriculum Casebook was published. The casebook is a collection of lesson plans and proposals designed by teachers who have graduated from the training programme, which has undergone careful selection by the editorial board. 

The first edition of the casebook was very popular with impressive outcomes and pleasing feedback. Teachers were able to put education theories into classroom practice, as well as guide students to participate in experiential and project-based learning activities hosted by UNESCO Hong Kong, including the 2023 HK-GBA Secondary School Model UNESCO Conference on World Heritage, the ESD Learning Programme, and customised programmes for schools. 

On the occasion of the sixth International Day, the UNESCO Hong Kong Association and the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development would like to announce the publication of the second edition of the World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School Curriculum Casebook. Based on the first edition, the second edition is launched with a brand-new design and more comprehensive, updated information with regards to World Heritage and ICH Protection on local, national, and international levels. 

Through promoting World Heritage Education, we hope to improve young people’s awareness of their role as global citizens who could take responsibility to promote cultural diversity and inclusion, thereby forming cultural resonance and narrowing social gaps. We believe that with such consensual efforts, the essence of cultural heritage could be fully realised to promote the theme of this year’s International Day of Education – ‘Learning for Lasting Peace’.

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