
楊健明教授 (主席)


楊教授一直倡導終身學習,並在許多政府和非政府委員會和理事會任職,包括大學教育資助委員會、職業培訓委員會和中國物理學會理事會。 他曾任香港大專持續教育聯盟主席(2002-2007)。 2008年當選中國高等教育學會繼續教育分會副會長。

為表彰楊教授對教育的傑出貢獻,楊教授於2006年頒香港特區政府世界頒授傑出華人獎,並於2007年獲頒銅紫荊星章。 楊教授曾獲香港、中國大陸、英國和美國大學授予名譽教授和名譽博士學位。


馬文風博士 (Researcher)

馬博士在電信、資訊科技(IT)和服務行業服務超過 40 年,並參與管理諮詢超過 20 年。他是業務估值、高管培訓、高管獵頭、促進、成長管理、IT管理、領導力發展、營銷、組織設計和發展、物理和網絡安全、流程改進、項目管理、質量管理、再造等領域的首席顧問 、銷售和業務發展、小型和家族企業、戰略規劃、供應鍊和物流以及可持續性。

他曾在 Cable & Wireless、Unisys、Shell、Bain & Company、HK Telecom、Telcordia Technologies、PwC、PCCW、Ovum 和 ValuePartners 的多個部門和項目中工作。 他成功地為中國、香港和亞太地區的上市公司、政府和政府機構主持和交付了 50 多個開發和諮詢項目,其中包括 IT 自動化、信息系統開發、質量管理、業務變革/發展、行業轉型、 行業監管、政府政策、市場調研、銷售效率提升、產品交付、客戶服務提升、物流提升、流程管理、戰略制定和場景規劃。

馬博士亦為非政府組織及志願服務提供支持及貢獻知識,包括資訊及通訊科技創新、電子服務、電子健康管理,以及可持續發展和研究,其中包括與 FHKI、IMCHK 和 WISDP 合作推廣管理諮詢,以及大灣區商業和產業的可持續發展。

Dr. CY Wong

Dr. CY Wong (Advisor)

Dr. Wong is a quality guru and trainer, notably in areas such as Human Resources, workflow, productivity improvements, and quantum improvement in efficiencies. For over 15 years, Dr. Wong has been associated as a Senior Advisor at the Management Development Centre (MDC) of the Vocational Training Council specializing in Manpower Planning, Project Management, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Engineers as Managers, Training Needs Analysis, Quality Improvement and Service Quality. During that period, Dr. Wong has trained more than 5,000 human resources practitioners.

Dr. Wong is also a management subject specialist and university lecturer. C Y has extensive experience in management development and teaching. He was a part-time lecturer for management subjects at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong 1997–2005 and also at Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2009–2010. He is the trainer (since 2008 up to current) for the Professional Diploma in Management Consulting and Risk Management organized by the HKPC. He was appointed by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications (from 2007 to 2012) as a Specialist to assist the HKSAR Government to develop the “Qualification Framework” by using the Competency Approach.

Dr. Wong is also a seasoned management consultant and executive coacher, having coached a lists of board of directors from local listed public companies and manufacturing firms in Hong Kong and Mainland China as well over the years.

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