Hi 17SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals in the Dynamic World

Author: Americana Chen , Editor: Prof. Karen Q. Cheung

Price: HKD $50

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. It is more than a summary or transcript for the podcast “Hi 17 SDGs” hosted by two Certified Sustainable Development Planners – Prof. Thomas C. C. WONG and Prof. Karen Q. CHEUNG. In each chapter, the author extends on each SDG from her own perspective, the perspective of the youth, and provide additional information in the discovery section. Unique and innovative ideas from the young bright mind, supported by research, coupled with expert opinions made the book an informative and refreshing introductory guide to SDGs for the readers.

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Hi 17SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals in the Dynamic World

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