Exhibition Room Themes:
1. China & The World
The Republic of China was a founding member of the United Nations, in 1971, the People’s Republic of China officially returned to United Nations, and 2021 is the 50th anniversary. From being the observer, to learners, to in-depth Participation, the exhibition room will display iconic figures, events and text descriptions for educational purposes. Students will also be provided with a “China and the World” study handbook.

2. World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage
As of Nov 2023, China has 57 cultural and natural heritage in the World Heritage List. World heritage and intangible cultural heritage are valuable for the inheritance of the culture of states and countries. They teach the students to respect cultural diversity and promote peace.
The exhibition hall will display the world and intangible cultural heritage images and descriptions, students are also provided with the “Student Handbook”, to study the importance of world heritage and intangible cultural heritage to the environment, economy and social harmony, their protection processes and Conservation Convention.
3. Space Technology, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
The Hong Kong UNESCO Association and Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development has been carrying out space exposed seeds nursery programs for many years. In 2019, the “SJ-10” space seeds were planted, and in 2020, space seeds from “CZ-5B” were planted, including eggplant, Cowpea, Okra and more. The project raise awareness of nature and biodiversity conservation among students, inspire them to explore the science behind space exposed seeds using qualitative and quantitative tools, data analysis, research, achieving multi-disciplinary education through experiential learning. The theme of the exhibition hall will be space technology and seeds, with study handbook for students to learn about the development of space technology, experience from participating schools in and methods and research process of nursering space seeds.

4. MUN Conference Room
The Model United Nations conference room will be used for “MUNESCO – Model UNESCO” and “MUN – Model United Nations” events, competitions and training. The activities can cultivate students’ soft skills such as organization, planning, teamwork, conflict resolution, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and cross-disciplinary thinking through research-based learning. At the same time, students could explore latest international affairs, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Education for Sustainable Development , scientific and technological innovation, cultural heritage and the integration of relevant topics.

Learning Booklets
