Book Publications


Carbon Literacy and Low-Carbon Lifestyle – Bilingual Textbook 

ISBN 978-988-75669-4-6

Copyright 2022 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Editor in Chief: Prof. Karen Cheung

Assistant Editor: Americana Chen 

Price: HKD120

On our way towards a net-zero future, carbon literacy and low-carbon lifestyle are crucial. This textbook, as one of the “China and the World” textbook series for the Patriotic Education Center, covers the Science of Climate Change, identifying multiple causes and consequences; the Evolution of Climate Action, from the United Nations Stockholm Conference to the United Nations Climate Change Convention, from the Paris Agreement to the Sustainable Development Goals; the impact of our actions on climate change adaptation, mitigation; Hong Kong climate action and individual strategies to combat climate change. It aims to lead every student, school, family, and community to work together to initiate climate action for a better and more sustainable future.


The UNSDGs Climate Action Hong Kong Teaching Curriculum Casebook

ISBN: 978-988-75669-5-3

Copyright 2023 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Editor in Chief: 
Prof. Karen Cheung
Prof. Lee, Chi Kin John, JP
Prof. Lau Chi-pang, JP

Price: HKD100

「聯合國可持續發展目標認證教師培訓計劃」以「氣候行動」為主題,教師需就主題設計相應的教學方案,然後經由校長和教育家組成的專業評審團進行評審及提供寶貴的意見。我們亦鼓勵參與的老師在學校實踐有關的教學方案。截至 2022年,已有100多名教育工作者完成了認證教師培訓,並提交了教學方案。

經過修訂、優選的中小學教學方案,我們在2023年1月24日「聯合國國際教育日」這一天,發佈出版第一冊《「聯合國可持續發展目標」認證教師 -「氣候行動」香港課程案例手冊》(案例手冊)。



UN Global Compact Hong Kong Regional Report 2022 -23  (Bilingual)

Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) x Sustainable Development Planning (SDP) , Promoting International Coorperation to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

ISBN 978-988-75669-7-7

Copyright 2024 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Price: HKD198

The UNESCO Hong Kong Association & Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development have officially published the “United Nations Global Compact Hong Kong Regional Report 2022-23: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) x Sustainable Development Planning (SDP) , Promoting International Coorperation to Achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ” (Bilingual in Chinese and English) on the 31st of March, 2024.

The report summarised the progress of Hong Kong’s sustainable development policies over 2022-23 and how UHKA and HiESD respond to and promote them from the levels of corperates, talents, schools, and communities.


World Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage Hong Kong School Curriculum Casebook

ISBN 978-988-75669-2-2

Copyright 2021 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Editor in Chief: Prof. Karen Q. Cheung & Prof. Lee Chin Kin, John

Price: HKD90


Hi 17SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals in the Dynamic World

ISBN 978-988-75669-1-5

Copyright 2021 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Author: Americana Chen 

Editor: Prof. Karen Q. Cheung 

Price: HKD50

This book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015. It is more than a summary or transcript for the podcast “Hi 17 SDGs” hosted by two Certified Sustainable Development Planners – Prof. Thomas C. C. WONG and Prof. Karen Q. CHEUNG. In each chapter, the author extends on each SDG from her own perspective, the perspective of the youth, and provide additional information in the discovery section. Unique and innovative ideas from the young bright mind, supported by research, coupled with expert opinions made the book an informative and refreshing introductory guide to SDGs for the readers.

UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

China Education for Sustainable Development Country Report – Hong Kong Regional Report

ISBN 978-988-75669-0-8

Copyright 2021 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Author: Prof. Karen Q. Cheung & Prof. Lee Chin Kin, John

Price: HKD98

In this era of global pursuance of sustainable development goals (SDGs), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has been offered new vision and opportunities towards SDGs. As a regional coordinator, Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development in collaboration with UNESCO Hong Kong Association and World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners and in support of the UNESCO Chair in Regional Education Development and Lifelong Learning, has been promoting the UN ESD Programme in Hong Kong since 2003. It could be seen from this report that the promotion of UN ESD Programme in Hong Kong has gone through four stages of development, from publicity and exchange to research and development, and from the establishment of SDGs lifelong learning system to building learning cities. Over the past 18 years, a lifelong learning system for sustainable development has been established, which not only spreads from elementary and general education to higher education, but also covers vocational education and training, in order to build an inclusive, open, peaceful, adaptive and sustainable city.

Illustrations of the Outline Development Plan For the Greater Bay Area

ISBN 978-988-79581-4-7

Copyrights 2019 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development

Authors: Dr. Wilson Chan

Price: HKD80

《圖解灣區綱要》是按2019年2月18日中共中央、 國務院印發的《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》(《綱 要》)所編制。綱要全文近26,500字,除前言外共分為 十一章,每章包括二至六小節,部份再分細項。

本《圖解灣區綱要》按相關章節次序編制,以標準 字體列出綱要的原文,配以簡單圖畫,突出重點,以便 理解相關概念。部份名詞附上英文對照,大部份翻譯來 自香港特區政府的英文版綱要。

為爭取盡快推出,在這第一版的《圖解灣區綱要》 僅有少量的註釋及個案,且不設詳盡描述解說。

編制過程中,作者綜合了在電台主持的節目和專業 培訓的教材,再按師生和團隊閱讀後意見修飾而成。過 程已力求嚴謹,但仍難避免可能存有錯漏。若是同學閱 讀,建議多與老師們一起討論,先從本《圖解灣區綱要》 取得概念,再配合原文深入認識《綱要》。


UN 75 Dialogue – Hong Kong Story 

ISBN 978-988-79581-6-1

Copyrights 2020 Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development


Price: HKD68

This book is a booklet for the regional hosting of 『UN 75 Dialogue 』by Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development in May 2020. 

Reference & Booklet

Sustainable Development Planning, Diploma & Certification for Sustainable Development Planner
Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development
Beijing-Hongkong Education for Sustainable Development 15th Anniversary Milestone
HiESD Project Handbook

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