UNESCO World Heritage & Intangible Cultural Heritage - Customised School Outreach Training

世界遺產與非物質文化遺產入校園 定製課程

World Heritage Education is an interdisciplinary field of education with core values of respecting cultural diversity, inheriting and developing national culture, enhancing awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development, and promoting the harmonious development of the international community. This training program offered by the UNESCO Hong Kong Association and the Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development combines lectures, workshops, and field trips in a flexible and customisable way to enhance students’ understanding of culture through experiential learning.



Programme Details (Eng)


  • 以世界遺產與非物質文化遺產教育世界遺產教育培養學生正面積極的價值觀
  • 課程板塊因應學生年級、學校課時安排等靈活組合
  • 結合多種體驗式學習模式,增強學生興趣與參與
  • 內容基於聯合國教科文組織國際公約,融入中國與香港本地古蹟保育項目,充實豐富
  • 獲發由香港聯合國教科文組織協會與香港可持續發展教育學院頒發的結業證書

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